You may remember our Photo Booth Crawl Through Los Angeles a few months ago (if you don’t, click here). Well, We found it to be a really good way to explore the city like a local because photo booths are often in bars and other places a local would hang. We enjoyed ourselves so much that did it again, except this time, in Chicago.
There are few photo booths that were on our list that we ended up not visiting – we stuck with the ones we really wanted to go to (based on our internet research), but we’ll share all of the ones we know about with you so you can take your pick.
We went to 8 total, 5 of them Vintage Chemical Booths and 3 of them Digital.
Let’s begin with a screenshot of the Google Maps route we made. (click on it to explore it in Google Maps)
We took a Lyft from photo booth to photo booth – which allowed us to leisurely drink in each location and enjoy ourselves a little bit more without worrying about driving, parking, valet, etc.
(If you haven’t already signed up for Lyft, click here for $50 in free rides!)
SO, let’s get started.
Photo Booth 1:
Holiday Club (chemical)
Address: 4000 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL 60613
Phone: (773) 348-9600

Photo Booth 2:
The Long Room (digital)
The Long Room was literally a long narrow room with a bar. It ended in it’s own little section for the photo booth (with photo strips all over the walls and a lounge area, yay!) and had a patio as well. This bar was probably our least favorite of the ones we visited. We took our photo strips and got out cause it was so incredibly noisey. Not with music or laughter, just noisy. We’re not sure the longness of the room creates very pretty acoustics. hah.
Photo Booth 3:
Village Tap Bar (chemical)

Photo Booth 4:
Quenchers Saloon (digital)
Phone: (773) 276-9730
Address: 2401 N Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
This is a cash only bar so come prepared. Their photo booth gives 2 strips, both horizontal, one in color and one in black and white. We aren’t sure we dig the horizontal format mixed with the logo and the overexposure.
Photo Booth 5:
Phone: (773) 799-8504
Address: 2357 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Slippery Slope is in Logan Square, what some would call Chicago’s Hipster District. You get a Bob Saget stamp when you go in for crying out loud – how much cooler does it get? Oh, a Skee Ball Machine. And more. The entire space is lit up red with photo strips hanging from the ceiling of the bar area and a back area for dancing with a DJ who kills it.
Even though this photo strip is horizontal, it’s one of our favorites as well. It’s a combination of our poses, the black border, their dope logo, and more.
Photo Booth 6:
Weegees Lounge (Chemical)
Weegees Lounge wasn’t as popping as some of the other bars we visited. There were people there but they were all very moderately quiet as if they were talking about philosophy or something of the sorts. We don’t remember if there actually was Jazz music playing but we’re gonna say there was. Seems like a nice place for dinner.
This photo strip is obscure and you can’t really tell what we’re doing and we love it.
Photo Booth 7:
Rainbo Club (Chemical)
Phone: (773) 489-5999
Address: 1150 N Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
Photo Booth 8:
Skylark (Chemical)
Phone: (312) 948-5275
Address: 2149 S Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60608
Research the bars you’re considering going to. Call them to confirm they still have a photo booth.
Look up the location on Instagram to see all the images taken there – it’ll let you see what type of print you can expect before going.
Make sure you know what time each of the locations opens and closes and if they have a happy hour or drink specials on certain days.
Map out your trip ahead of time.
Have fun.