Hi! As you may or may not know, we frequent Las Vegas quite often for conferences – photography conferences, wedding conferences, dj conferences, the list goes on. We’ve been going to 2-4 conferences a year in Vegas since 2013. Vegas is like the Conference Capital of America if you ask us. Do you know what else Vegas is? Home to the WORLD’S TALLEST FERRIS WHEEL. We just discovered this wonderful news. Right here, in our very own backyard of the USA. AND, we’ll be in Vegas again several times in 2016 so we’re stoked to go on The High Roller (groovy fucking name right?! we can’t wait to roll high with our homies – each other. ha!) and report back to you all with our experience!
Just wanted to share that tid bit of information with ya and we promise to share photos from when we go this year! Until then, enjoy some photos from our FIRST time in Vegas, since we never posted them here.
Until next time!
Schellie + William (Schelliam)
P.S. Another DID YOU KNOW: Drinking on the streets is LEGAL in Vegas. And parking is free. We LOVE LOVE LOVE Vegas.